• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Mobility

Provide Mobility

‘Since 2004, TDCF are supporting disabled people with providing either a hand propelled Tricycle or wheelchairs. Hand propelled tricycle changes people lives over night as they are mobile and can go to places where previously they could not. This for example is to places of worship like churches and mosques. They can also start doing their own business to become financially independent eg they could go to local market and either sell fruits or repair shoes.
Wheelchairs are invaluable for young children. Without wheelchairs the children are stuck in the house as the parents can no longer carry them after a certain age. With wheelchair, children can go to school and to other places with their parents.
The cost of the wheelchair is 350,000 Tanzanian shillings ( and if we order more than 20, it is buy one get one free). The tricycle for disables cost 600,000 Tanzanian shillings of April 2021.

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