• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Sanitation

Provide Clean Sanitation

‘Since 2004, TDCF have been constructing toilets in places like Primary and Secondary Schools. The provision of toilets in schools is generally very poor whereby you will have 200 children and 10 teachers with only 4 – 6 toilets. These toilets in majority of cases do not have water provision. We also construct toilets in places like marketplaces and bus stand. These places generally do not have adequate facilities and people tend to relieve themselves at the bushes nearby. We have also constructed toilets in local clinics and hospitals. We make sure that there are adequate boys and separate girls’ toilets and a separate block for adults male and female teachers.’
The cost of building toilet varies depending on number of blocks needed. Please contact us for more details and costings. As of April 2021, one toilet block cost 2.5 million Tanzanian shillings equivalent to 800 UK pounds as per April 2021 exchange rates.

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