• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Social Sustainability

Provide Social Sustainability

‘TDCF tries to support everyone who needs help. We do not discriminate on race, religion , sexuality, colour or creed. We have found that the orphans and their family are the one who struggle the most. We support these families with school fees, school equipment provision, food parcels, medical help, economic upliftment with providing grants to open small business-like selling fruits.
From our experience, we do not provide business loans as per our experience, these people are in severe poverty and find it very difficult to feeding their families. For TDCF, we do not have manpower to ask for the loan back as most of these people live in very remote villages. The strategy which works we feel is to provide a small grant example 100 – 200 UK pounds to start a small business with a condition of opening a savings account with a local bank. The person must deposit a small amount of money on daily basis into the saving account. This strategy has worked extremely well’.

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