• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Solar Project

Solar Project

The world bank report https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS?locations=TZ indicates only about 38% of Tanzania has access to electricity. This shows that majority of the country does not have access. TDCF’s local experience is that of no electricity availability in any small remote villages.
This puts the families in great difficulty. They must use local made kerosene lanterns (called Koroboi) at night. Kerosene is expensive and the toxic fume from Kerosene is very harmful. Some families use torch but again the batteries are very expensive.
Children cannot study after evening and there is a major safety issue going out at night to use toilets.
TDCF have donated hand-held solar lamps to school children who can then study at night. This has resulted in great success in local villages with amazing improvement in school performance.
Over the last 2 years, TDCF have been installing 6 bulb solar panel system in village huts. These have changed peoples lives overnight as they have access to electricity at night with children able to study. This is free with no expense of Kerosene and no toxic fumes to make families ill. The solar panel charger have access to charge mobile phones which the family can use for their own mobiles or charge neighbours to have their phones charged. This bring a much needed income for these very poor families.
As of April 2021, the cost of installing these 6 bulb solar panel to village hut varies about 60 – 70 pounds.
TDCF has also got a 20 bulb solar panel for bigger places like churches, mosques and local village halls and schools.

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