• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Sanitation

Mahina Nursey School Toilets 66-75

TDCF supports Mahina Nursery School which has about 45 children and there is mosque nearby and were using very low standard toilets as seen in the first two photos attached. TDCF took the initiative to build eight toilets, one bathroom and store to keep equipment for cleaning the toilets on an everyday basis. Total 10 rooms were built as seen in the photos. The sequence of photos shows the tremendous work that we went through to complete the building of toilets to the required standard.

One of the donors of these toilets is a 7-year-old girl called Jenin Fatema who participated in Mini Bupa Manchester run in May 2011 in England and the funds collected in this charity run by her were used to build these toilets. The students of Mahina Nursery thanked Jenin Fatema by carrying a banner saying “TUNASHUKURU SANA JENIN FATEMA THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” The other two banners the students displayed were saying “ASANTE SANA BUPA THANK YOU & KEEP IT UP” and “NO MORE SANITATION RELATED DISEASES.”

The school management board thanked all those who in one way or the other helped in the success of this project. The schools in Tanzania have a serious problem with toilets and as of today, we have received the application of about 13 schools requesting the assistance of building of toilets in their schools.

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