• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Medical Support

Health Insurance Project

TDCF support Health Insurance Project for the local people. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The deserving head of the family has to fill in the yellow form attached and get NSSF membership electronic card.
  2. We write a cheque directly in the name of NSSF with a covering letter a sample is attached for say 6 months or 12 months depending on the type of case. In the covering letter, the member signs a commitment that after the funding period is over he or she will continue the payments on a regular basis.
  3. NSSF will issue a receipt in the name of the member and once three months period is over the member has to fill another white form in which all details of the family is required ie full name of WIFE AND FOUR CHILDREN BELOW AGE OF 18 YEARS MAXIMUM Here Marriage certificate and birth certificates of children is a must requirement.

While feeling the white form (ATTACHED) the member will have to choose one Hospital where they wish to be treated. The minimum payment is TSHS 20,000/= per month per family and this payment stays as savings of the member and can be given back whenever he wants it back. The health insurance is only valid if a member has three months payments in his account at any one time.

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