• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Well 142

On Sunday 18/9/2011 shallow well no 142 was handed over to villagers of China village, Nyamilamasub village in Kwimba district, Mwanza city. In total 6 shallow wells were handed over in Kwimba district on this day. Shallow well no 142 was donated in ”THE LOVING MEMORY OF LATE SIKINABAI KAREEM.” The villagers sincerely thanked the donors and prayed for their and their family’s well being. This well will serve 50 families ie about 250 people of that area every day Some of the photos show that well had already started being utilised before even the pump was installed. Due to severe drought in Tanzania in some areas, we witnessed that the well was being used to feed the animals also.

Status: Completed September 2011
Notes:  Well 142 has been donated in ”THE LOVING MEMORY OF LATE SIKINABAI KAREEM.”

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