• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Well 132

Shallow well no 132 was handed over to the villagers of MAJENGO sub-village of NDUHA village in MISASI area in MISUNGWI District in Mwanza city on Sunday 21st August 2011. This shallow well was donated by PUNJANI CHARITABLE TRUST. The photographs clearly show the impact and success of the well as before even the hand pump was installed the villagers were using the well by drawing water using ropes. Prior to this well the villagers had to walk long distances to fetch water or sometimes they had to draw water from a traditional water source which was not clean and safe. The villagers sincerely thanked and prayed for the well being of the donors and all concerned in this project.

Status: Completed in August 2011
Notes: Well 132 has been sponsored by PUNJANI CHARITABLE TRUST.

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