• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Well 100

TDCF reaches a centurion land mark by building shallow well Number 100. Dar es salaam K S I J Boys scouts/cubs generously donated/sponsored the above mentioned shallow well that was built at IBANDA MAJENGO MAPYA VILLAGE MOSQUE IN MWANZA. The mosque which is still under construction and runs under the trustee ship of JUKUSUTA will from now on benefit from this well. The near by villagers also will benefit from water of this well as the mosque leadership agreed all villagers will be allowed to use water from this well without considering the creed,religion, ethnicity, gender or colour. The villagers sincerely thanked the donors for their timely help/assistance as it will save them a lot money from buying the water.

Status  :  Completed November 2010

Notes  :  Well 100 has been sponsored by Dar es salaam K S I J Boys scouts/cubs.

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