• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Shallow well no 441 was handed over to villagers of Bukigi village in Malampaka area

Today Sunday 16/2/2020, shallow well no 441 was handed over to villagers of Bukigi village in Malampaka area in Shinyanga region.

This village has 224 families that will benefit from this well on daily basis though villagers have been requesting for few more wells as one well is not enough especially during drought period.
This well was donated by Mwanza youths group of Muslim community of khoja shia ithna Ashery (MZA ) JAMAAT.
The youths group famously known as HUSSEIN A S INSPIRES have in a very short period donated four wells in different villages of the lake zone.
The villagers were thankful to the donors as the water was being fetched from a very long distance prior to this well.

May the almighty repay the donors abundantly here and hereafter AAMIN

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