• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water


On Sunday shallow well no 184 was handed over to the management and students of Kabwoba English Medium school in Kagera region. The school is 514 km far from Mwanza and it is near the border post of Mutukula near Uganda. The school has 350 students and has boarding facilities for both boy and girls. This shallow well was built near the BOYS section of the boarding.

Simultaneously 12 rooms of toilets and bathrooms are under construction on girls boarding side which are expected to be completed in the next three weeks time. This shallow well has very clear water and can produce 650 liters of water per hour.

The students and management were overwhelmed by the assistance and said now the school will not have any water problems in future. All concerned were very thank full and prayed for the well being of the donors for their timely assistance. Since the school has 25 acres of land in total 3 wells were handed over out of which one will serve the ladies side, one on gents side and one for construction of high school. This shallow well was donated by Brother Husein Sajwani.

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