• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water


Today Monday 3/9/12 the villagers of Kamhanga village in Geita region once more enjoyed the taste of clean and safe water after the rehabilitation of the shallow well in their area. Kamhanga village in Geita region has about 700 families and only two very old shallow wells out of which one has been rehabilitated by support from BETA CHARITABLE TRUST as shown in the attached photos.

The average cost of rehabilitating one old shallow well is about tshs 900,000/= ie usd $570. We have earmarked about 50 shallow wells that need to be rehabilitated so that the poor villagers can enjoy again safe, clean and fresh water and avoid water-related deceases. Please contact us if you can help. The villagers are thanked full to the donors for their timely support.

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