• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Clean Water

Mkuyuni Juu Village

Well 47 has been donated by the Walji, Manji and Dhirani families in remembrance of their family members who are sadly no longer with us. The well is located in Mkuyuni Juu village and the opening ceremony was done by the MUFTI of Tanzania in the presence of BAKWATA. The well has been built near the new Mkuyuni Mosque. There is abundant water which is used by both the villagers and in the construction of the mosque. Before this well was built, the villagers had to buy water in order to carry out the construction. The villagers have said they will remember the family members in their prayers.

Status: Completed September 2007

Notes: This well was sponsored by the Walji, Manji and Dhirani families

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