• Registered UK Charity 1103895

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Vocational Training Sewing & Computer Classes

The Desk and Chair Foundation strives to improve the situation of the Tanzanian community by setting up several vocational and technical courses:

  1. Sewing Classes at Bilal Centre
  2. Computer Classes at Bilal Centre

Sewing Classes at Bilal Centre
Heavily subsidised 6 months Government approved Vocational Education and Training

  • Authority (VETA) sewing classes
  • 6 months course
  • Qualified teacher – salary paid for by TDCF
  • Training materials etc paid for by TDCF
  • At present accommodate 63 students every 6 months
  • The number of students qualified in y June 2004 is 15.
  • The number of students qualified in December 2004 is 63.

From 2005, expecting to train 120 students every year. Total cost per 1 student is £18/per 6 months course.

Computer Classes at Bilal Centre

From September 2005, we have now started Computer classes. Basic computing including Word, Excel, Power Point and internet is taught. The initial response is very good with at least 60 students enrolling and paying minimum fees of £2.50 per module.

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