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Laptop No 3 Handed Over – Well Wisher From Dar-Es-Salaam

A brand new Toshiba laptop was handed over to Brother Ibrahim Ramadhan Maulid who is at present completing his Diploma degree in Tourism & Tour guide course in Arusha Tropical Centre College in Arusha region.

Brother Ibrahim on completion of his O levels he got division IV of 28 points. He joined the famous SYDP programme offered by Moshi Bilal branch. On completion his certificate course in TOURISM at VETA in Moshi region, sponsored by Moshi Bilal Muslim Mission Branch he joined Arusha Tropical centre college for his Diploma in the same field. This Diploma course was fully sponsored by The Desk and Chair Foundation which if all goes well he will have his diploma in tourism in July 2013. Since he fully depended on sponsorship he also faced the challenge to own a laptop due to the poverty of his family hence had requested for assistance so that he could do his research paper in accordance to the required standard. Due to the nature of his training and profession, he can now speak English, Spanish, German, French, Arabic and Kiswahili.

This laptop kindly donated by a well-wisher from Dar es Salaam.

This laptop was collected by Brother Hashim Ramadhan Maulid who is the elder brother of brother Ibrahim. On behalf of the family Brother Hashim thanked Moshi Bilal Branch for providing education to his brother and also prayed and thanked the donor for the assistance of a brand new laptop that will make the final days of the college comfortable easy and memorable ones.

We pray for brother Ibrahim to pass his final exams and serve the country in the field of tourism sincerely.

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