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Laptop No 2 Handed Over – In The Loving Memory Of Late G B Damji

Laptop no 2 was handed over to Miss Mwamvua Songoro Ibrahim a fourth-year law student at St Augustine University in Mwanza city. Miss Mwamvua has been fully sponsored by The Desk and chair Foundation and she was in a desperate need of a laptop in order to do her research paper which is a requirement for passing her final exams.

If all goes well she will be completing her first degree as a lawyer in November 2013, after which she needs to do one year in the school of Law so that she becomes a private practising lawyer. For this one year, she will need about tshs 2m/-( ie USD $ 1265). Mr Sefuni Ngonja who is also a lecturer at St Augustine University was present and witnessed the handing over of the laptop.

University students who depend on sponsors for fees face a big challenge to own electronic equipment that would make their study perfect and easy. Due to the lack of such facilities, their academic performance is low. This laptop was donated by the family of late G B Damji (EX MWANZA Resident) in the loving memory of Late G B Damji. Miss Mwamvua thanked the donors and prayed for their well being.

Anybody wishing to assist in this type of noble cause is requested to contact us.

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