• Registered UK Charity 1103895

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Housing Renovation Appeal – Juma Ramadhani Mniko

BETA CHARITABLE TRUST WILL FULLY FUND THIS PROJECT. The above subject refers to Juma Ramadhani Mniko WHO is a blind person. He lost his eyesight due to brain tumour surgery some 6 years back.

Juma has a family of 9 dependents, a wife and 8 children. During recent heavy rainfall and winds, Juma’s house roof was damaged very badly and rainwater is now pouring inside the house as shown in the photos taken during an unannounced visit at his residence.

The first few photos show the situation of the toilets he and his family are using.

Juma is surviving on charity handouts from people and petty business done by his wife. His five children who are schooling in primary school are being supported by The Desk and Chair Foundation

The roof needs to be repaired urgently and the toilets need to be roofed and descent doors need to be installed urgently to protect the dignity and self-respect of the family. Approximately tshs 3.5m/= (ie usd 2215 or ukp 1458) are needed to complete this repairs to the reasonable standard so that the family can stay comfortably in their house.

TDCF and Mr Mniko are very thankful for BETA charitable trust. Further information will follow once the project starts and it finishes soon’.

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