• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Provide Desk and Chairs

Songambele Primary School Broken Desks Repaired 28/8/12

Songambele Primary School needs your help, please. There is a massive shortage of desks. TDCF has managed to repair 86 broken desks that will accommodate about 260 children. The photos are self-explanatory and previous photos are attached for comparison purposes. Cost of repairing one broken desk is approximate tshs 6000/= ie usd $ 3.75.

Similarly, 300 new desks are ready as shows one of the photos for distribution to primary schools in the villages where there is an acute shortage of desks hence the children are compelled to sit on the floor. Cost of one new good quality desk is tshs 110,000/= ie USD $ 70. If you wish to join us contact us and visit our website for more details.

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