• Registered UK Charity 1103895

Community building

It was on 1st of holy month of Rajab 1444 Hijriya (23/1/23)

60 matresses, 40 mosquito nets were handed over to Mirongo Vocational Training Centre that caters for children with special needs by offering carpentry, welding, tailoring and electrical installation courses and an orphanage by name of Foundation Karibu Tanzania that caters for children living in very difficult environments

During the handing over ceremony special prayers were held for an infant who had under gone an open heart surgery

The family of this infant had donated 60 matresses and fourty mosquito nets for these children

The students studying at Mirongo Vocational Training Centre are fully sponsored by TDCF for their three year Vocational Training Courses

We thank the donors for their support and may Allah repay them abundantly here and hereafter and we join all in praying for the infant’s fast and full recovery from the heart surgery

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