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Shallow well no 382 was handed over today at Kibara village

Shallow well no 382 was handed over today at Kibara village

Shallow well no 382 was handed over today at Kibara village in Mara region. The area has great scarcity of clean and safe water.

This shallow well handed over today will serve about 400 people of the area daily.

The well has been kindly donated by MRS Kurusum Sheralli. famously known as Mama Faiza.
This is a second such donation from the family.
May Allah repay them abundantly and protect them all from all worldly calamities, Aamin.

The villagers were sincerely thankful to the family for their clean and safe water assistance to the Kibara villagers.

Nine complete bunk beds were handed over to Foundation Karibu of Tanzania and eight mattresses to Nitetee Foundation Organization respectively for the children/orphans that live in their Centers.
Both organizations are in Mwanza City and cater for under privileged children.

The leaders of both the organizations thanked the donors as these beds and mattresses were desperately needed at the centers.

The children at centers were very excited to sleep on a new mattress,bedsheets and under new mosquito nets.

These beds have been designed for easy transportation and can be dismantled and joined again in a very short time.

Our sincere thanks to all the donors and our prayers for their Marhumins to be granted special place in the paradise.

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